Chairman's Message

The term 'education' encompasses more than just knowledge and degrees. It is a harmonious blend of academia, creativity, arts, sports, emotions and positive attitudes. And in the present competing world, the one who is skilled in all these areas is the one who succeeds.
I, welcome the parents and prospective students to one of the 'educationally' sound and proven institutions - Kathmandu Valley School/ College (+2). Choosing an instituition is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. We, at KVS, provide the students the ambience and facilities conducive to fulfill the dream of attaining academic exellence, professional proficiency, personal enrichment and above all help build positive attitude in life.
KVS, with a humble beginning 28 years back, has now grown to share the responsibilites of providing excellent academic input to more than hundred of thousands students in Secondary and Higher Secondary Level. We are planning to add Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs in the near future in Management, Finance, Science, Computer and Education streams.
The Grade 'A' infrastructure coupled with modern facilities, quality educational practices, collaboration and affiliation with famed instituituions will be the main stay of professional education at KVS. These pillars shall ensure the fulfillmemt of expectations of the vibrant creative minds, seeking opportunity for making name and fame in the country.
Members of our faculty are known for their energy and knowledge, teaching abilites and devotion to duty. We will judge success as an instituition by how well you succeed in realizing your potential as a student and in your future professional career. KVS in the true sense stands and believes upon- 'educating professionals of tomorrow- today'.
I, invite you to visit our school and college, look around our state-of-the art facultieses, meet and discuss with students and faculty and discover for yourself why so many bright students have made KVS their choice.